
Frank Boland
May 08, 2023

As we all know, it is difficult to go against a crowd’s belief. Religious scrolls are filled with stories of those who did … and died. Such conflict often crosses over from religious to secular situations. Such a juxtaposition occurred in the 17thcentury as Galileo hypothesized that the earth revolved around the sun...

Frank Boland
April 10, 2023

With most mistakes we make in life, we have no idea of what the immediate outcome will be. There’s just a feeling it will be negative. But in the investment world we often know quickly what the mistake is going to cost us. When that happens, it is unnerving because we now know that the emotional impact of losing money is 2.5x...

Frank Boland
March 09, 2023

The last time inflation and interest rates started to rise simultaneously was 58 years ago. Then, as now, it had its genesis from too much government spending. The process was euphemistically called “Guns and Butter.” “Guns” represented the expense of the Vietnam War and “Butter” was the euphemism for the then newly introduced welfare structure...

Frank Boland
February 08, 2023

If the “name” CMGI isn’t familiar to you, it’s probably because it’s an investment story that’s over half a century old. Yet, its relevance to FAANG and technology stocks today is remarkable. In its time, it was one of the few stocks whose trading symbol was better known than its corporate name of College Marketing Group Inc. Others similar...


Learn how to take losses quickly and cleanly. Don’t expect to be right all the time. If you have made a mistake, cut your losses as quickly as possible.

– Bernard Baruch