June 2020

Frank Boland
June 15, 2020

When interest rates start to move higher, it will be considered a negative for the economy and the stock market. This reality started in in the middle of the last century.  General Motors was the largest corporation in the world, but rising interest rates proved very difficult to overcome. That contrasts sharply with the cash Microsoft, Apple,...

Bill Noonan
June 08, 2020

In October of 2000 we were invited to speak at the Contrary Opinion Forum in Vergennes Vermont.  The Forum had a long history, beginning in the 1960’s, of gathering an eclectic group of speakers which included climatologists, geologists, money managers, family office managers, individual investors, writers etc.  The setting was gorgeous.  The...


So long as predictions remain popular, and are so numerous as they are today – and so long as they receive notoriety through repetition in the press and on the radio – contrary opinions will increase in importance as thinking aids. “

– Humphrey Neil