January 2016

Dave Canal
January 27, 2016

An economic paradigm shift occurs over a long period of time.  As a consequence, it is often not recognized by most people as it is happening.  This seems to be the present situation with China.   It is not until a new paradigm reaches an inflection point of change that it becomes obvious ... at least to some.   My belief is that we in the...

Dave Canal
January 21, 2016

Market Update

January 14, 2016

We are sending this note to give you our perspective on the recent global market turmoil and volatility.  We realize these periods can be very unsettling and stressful.  It’s difficult to keep your cool when the 24/7 news cycle is on high alert as these events unfold.  While...


Do we have the capability to eliminate booms and busts in economic activity? The answer in my judgment is no, because there is no tool to change human nature. Too often people are prone to recurring bouts of optimism and pessimism.

– Alan Greenspan